Is that my Signature or my Autograph?

Signing autographs is fun. Signatures feel like I’m getting into legal trouble for connecting my name to this document. I started practicing my scribble back when I was 10 years old. Of course, back then I thought I was gonna be playing in the NFL, be some sort of stud linebacker or running back. I […]

We Survived a Home Invasion in Costa Rica and AirBnB Shenanigans.

We spent most of November in Costa Rica. All 5 of us and for 2 weeks we were with our traveling friends also a family of 5. Our 3rd day the AirBnB was hit. Home Invasion with my kids and their kids used as leverage to get what they wanted. Outside of death, kidnapping, and […]

Unemployed Dad? What to do if Dad is Laid Off

First Things First. Don’t Panic. You are not the first person to be laid off and you will not be the last. But I absolutely get why you have that lump in your throat. Dads Provide. It’s one of the top responses we get if we ask random folks on the street what is the […]


Well I finally did it. Officially a published author! This book is as much a useful tool for dads as well as a tribute to what put 100% Dad on the map. Our Instagram page @100dad grew from 0 to well over 40,000 followers in large part due to our memes. The last year or […]

Dad Make Better Businessmen

Small Business owners, Corporate Execs, Managers, white-collar & blue-collar do’ers. Dads have many places in the business world. More than likely, you have had a variety of positions throughout the years. My journey was just that. Not including my years breaking child labor laws forced to do chores…..I started and shut down many lawn mowing […]

Dads and Money

Finance, one of my favorite subjects!! It’s an area that is imperative for dads to understand if not master. Money is not everything but it sure does help. Money fights are the leading cause to divorce. You can spend more time with family if you have a little cash saved up. You can retire without […]

How Dads can make time to work out

Are you a professional athlete? Bodybuilder? Olympian? Then you can skip this blog. Are you a regular dad who wants to find time to keep himself in shape without sacrificing time with the family? Read on. Forget what you see on Instagram. You don’t need to spend hours a day, seven days a week, in […]

7 great tips for a divorced dad

7 great tips for a divorced dad A divorce is a devastating event. It affects dads, moms, kids, siblings, friends, and neighbors. If you’re still reeling from the aftermath of a divorce, or still figuring out what being a single dad after a divorce means, then check out these seven great tips. Dads going through […]

Dads that feel they have Failed.

Dads that feel they have Failed This is a real issue across the world. Men carry a huge burden on their shoulders. They often feel like they could have done better or that they came up short in being a father. So let’s address that. 1.) Failure is normal. Everyone fails. It’s part of life. […]