Decision to put 100% Dad on the backburner
I won’t shy away from excuses. I put a rapidly growing brand and influencer platform on the back burner. The choice was pretty simple. We were traveling the country as a family and touring the brand. In the process as the Instagram platform became more and more popular, I found myself missing more and more […]
What Dads Should Teach Their Daughters
I speak to a lot of Dads, and I know that many Dads struggle with their relationship with their daughters. They get stuck thinking winning is having a beautiful, popular, intelligent daughter. They withdraw from the relationship as their little girl becomes a woman because they are uncomfortable with how to act. They struggle with […]
How Great Dads Prepare for the Teenage Years
PREPARING FOR TEENAGE YEARS “The trouble with teenagers is they don’t listen.” There is some truth to that. It’s also part baloney. They listen to plenty of people, the real question is are they listening to you? When they are younger and willing to absorb the influence of dad, that is when dad needs to […]
Tips for the Recent College Graduate
College Grads: Let me tell you the things I would tell my kids. Because that is how I roll. #1 Congratulations. You finished. You overcame. You found a way. You did it. You put in the time and the effort. Maybe you figured out how to play the game. Game the system. Work the teacher. […]
5 Tips for Working and Doing School at Home (The Coronavirus Version)
Forced isolation can be great for your relationship with your kids! All opinions of what’s going on aside… There are a lot of parents panicking on what to do with their kids. They’re not used to it. Schools are shutting down and some parents still need to work. In all reality, a lot of […]
When Anxiety Takes a Grip
Anxiety – what a pain… The fact that I am getting anxiety at this point in my life is absolutely stupid. It legitimately makes zero sense. All the logic in the world is telling me my brain is broken, but here I am. Now I have had plenty of anxiety in the past. Starting businesses […]
Learning and Improving Never Stops
Constantly seek improvement. We will enjoy life more and have a more fulfilling life if we are always a student. To say that I read is an understatement. I love to read nonfiction, especially biographies and business related material. Lately, I have been reading a ton of family and parenting books. However, I was never […]
I love seeing dads coach youth sports. I love coaching my kids, it’s a great way to spend time with them. You get to hang out with other kids and other dads with kids a similar age. I know a lot of dads who coach and some who don’t. I would encourage every dad to […]
Guns & Kids
For the anti-gun dads out there. For the gun owning dads out there. Do this: TEACH GUN SAFETY. No matter what. If you have guns in the house or if you think guns should be illegal, teach your children firearm safety. There is nothing worse than reading a story about a kid shooting another kid […]