
There are a lot of fitness people out there, and that’s great. There should be. I hate looking at their Instagram feeds, but that’s on me. Frankly, you should do what they say. I am in no position to tell anyone how to be fit. Eating less and working out more is the limit of […]


Dads enjoy challenges and obstacles. They take them head-on. Can we just start with a bunch of Winston Churchill quotes? “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in […]

Don’t Enable Bad Behavior, Shut It Down

Don’t enable bad behavior, shut it down. I see the enabling of bad behavior almost everywhere I go. I see parents turning a blind eye, making threats and not following through. I see grown adults not held accountable for their actions. I see excuses everywhere. Everyone has an excuse, everyone is making excuses for other […]

Guns & Kids

For the anti-gun dads out there. For the gun owning dads out there. Do this: TEACH GUN SAFETY. No matter what. If you have guns in the house or if you think guns should be illegal, teach your children firearm safety. There is nothing worse than reading a story about a kid shooting another kid […]

Avoid Temptations

We avoid temptations, including infidelity, drugs, gambling, pornography, and mismanaging the wealth we’ve been entrusted with. The temptation is always going to be out there. This is a subject that really fascinates me because these things really consume some people. To the point of destroying their lives and they just can’t fight it. I’ve spoken […]