Decision to put 100% Dad on the backburner

I won’t shy away from excuses. I put a rapidly growing brand and influencer platform on the back burner. The choice was pretty simple. We were traveling the country as a family and touring the brand. In the process as the Instagram platform became more and more popular, I found myself missing more and more […]


HERE IS HOW YOU MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE   I’ve got something for you. What if I told you I could effectively and systematically make the world a better place? If I was a good politician, I would go on a billion-dollar campaign around America. Selling out my integrity for votes and dollars. […]

Dad Make Better Businessmen

Small Business owners, Corporate Execs, Managers, white-collar & blue-collar do’ers. Dads have many places in the business world. More than likely, you have had a variety of positions throughout the years. My journey was just that. Not including my years breaking child labor laws forced to do chores…..I started and shut down many lawn mowing […]

Dealing with Depression in Dads

This is a story from one of our followers that wished to remain anonymous.   The words “mental health” immediately sends up a red flag to a lot of dads. We’re men. We’ve been told all our lives–either directly or indirectly–to “tough it out,” or “keep a stiff upper lip.” Depression is just a word […]

Dads and Money

Finance, one of my favorite subjects!! It’s an area that is imperative for dads to understand if not master. Money is not everything but it sure does help. Money fights are the leading cause to divorce. You can spend more time with family if you have a little cash saved up. You can retire without […]

Tips for the Recent College Graduate

College Grads: Let me tell you the things I would tell my kids. Because that is how I roll. #1 Congratulations. You finished. You overcame. You found a way. You did it. You put in the time and the effort. Maybe you figured out how to play the game. Game the system. Work the teacher. […]

How Dads can make time to work out

Are you a professional athlete? Bodybuilder? Olympian? Then you can skip this blog. Are you a regular dad who wants to find time to keep himself in shape without sacrificing time with the family? Read on. Forget what you see on Instagram. You don’t need to spend hours a day, seven days a week, in […]

This Conversation is a must for every Dad!!!

You’re my son/daughter. You mean the world to me. I love you. When you do something great, I love you. When you do something wrong, I love you. I want the best for you. That is why I am hard on you. Do not ever think me challenging you, pushing you, correcting you, denying you, […]

Coronavirus is Why I’m Debt-Free…

CORONAVIRUS IS WHY I STOPPED BORROWING MONEY!  It’s playing out right now. I’ve been saying the same thing for years. I don’t want to have the burden of debt when things go bad. I want to be debt free and cash flush so the next panic is just an inconvenience. In 2008 the economy collapsed, […]