The Advantage of Church Going Dads

I don’t bash non-Christians. Ever. I still like them. I really like Jewish culture. I never look to alienate a father looking for wisdom and encouragement. I speak to dads of all different walks of life. I can never say anything without offending someone somewhere. It’s the nature of the job. I talk about the […]

How Great Dads Prepare for the Teenage Years

PREPARING FOR TEENAGE YEARS “The trouble with teenagers is they don’t listen.” There is some truth to that. It’s also part baloney. They listen to plenty of people, the real question is are they listening to you? When they are younger and willing to absorb the influence of dad, that is when dad needs to […]

Tips for the Recent College Graduate

College Grads: Let me tell you the things I would tell my kids. Because that is how I roll. #1 Congratulations. You finished. You overcame. You found a way. You did it. You put in the time and the effort. Maybe you figured out how to play the game. Game the system. Work the teacher. […]

Tomorrow is not promised.

In memory of Nancy Floyd.  I’m not a fan of death. I personally would like to avoid it, but it’s a reality that we all have to face. White, black, rich, poor. Southern or Northern. We all die. Today, I’m dealing with death. Today, we bury my friend’s mom. A woman who was so special […]

Choose Your Influences

Our Influence is Our Choice   If you want to learn how to get skinny when you’re fat, it’s a good idea to get advice from a skinny person who was once fat. When I realized I was fat I got advice on losing weight from a formerly fat person. If you want to learn […]